Sunday, April 8, 2012

No longer a disgrace

Now that Jane and I are marrying such exceptional men, the attention is focused on us. Everyone is no longer thinking of Lydia and Whickham, which is an excellent change in events! Our family is no longer a disgrace. We are now viewed as a lucky and fortunate family because of Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. I am so happy and feel so relieved!

Two Ms. Bingley's to be wed

Jane is not the only Ms. Bingley getting married, so am I! It has come as a shock to everyone, especially since my family thinks that I am marrying for all the wrong reasons, but I am getting married to Mr. Darcy! He has changed for good, if he hadn't, I most certainly would not have accepted his second proposal. Soon I am going to be THE Mrs. Darcy.

Our long walk

A couple of days ago, I set out with Darcy and my sisters, for what was supposed to be, a short walk. It certainly did not turn out that way since Jane and Bingley lagged behind, and Darcy and I went off in a different direction. Darcy and I talked about many ideas. One of those ideas were marriage. The sound of that word makes me cringe, but once I imagine Darcy being the man I marry, I feel at ease.

Silly Mother

My mother was furiously winking trying to get my sister out of the room to leave Jane and Bingley together. She looked rather ridiculous and when my sister asked her why she was winking, I had a hard time holding my laugh in. She saved herself though, by telling us she needed to speak to us. I know that she did not fool me, Bingley on the other hand, I'm not so sure about. Sigh, silly mother and her schemes.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Poor Jane

Oh no, poor Jane! Instead of feeling happy that she has Bingley back, she is feeling sad. I wish that she would lift her spirits because it is obvious that he still loves her very much. I believe that he came back to visit all of us just because of her. He even promised that he would come back another day! I do hope that Jane will start feeling better, especially when she sees just how much he loves her.

My Hero

Mr. Darcy sure is an acceptable man. I am glad that I know the real him. He is really helping out with the situation with Lydia and Wickham. He even went on his own to let Ms. Gardiner know where Wickham and Lydia are. I really appreciate all of Darcy's help.

Mr. Collins

Mr. Collins wrote a letter stating that he was glad that he did not marry me. I find that extremely rude and if he were here right now, I would throw finger sandwiches at him and put too much sugar in his tea! I do not like that comment that he made, but you know what? If he feels that way then I will let it be because Darcy is here. He has not been discouraged in pursuing me despite my family drama. That is what a true and sincere man is.

What has Lydia done?

Why did Lydia have to go and run of with Wickham? She is putting me in danger! She is putting me in danger by making Darcy think badly of my family, which in turn would cause him to look badly upon me. Oh this is horrible. She has no idea how anxious I am feeling and not to mention how mother and father are feeling.