Monday, April 2, 2012

My Hero

Mr. Darcy sure is an acceptable man. I am glad that I know the real him. He is really helping out with the situation with Lydia and Wickham. He even went on his own to let Ms. Gardiner know where Wickham and Lydia are. I really appreciate all of Darcy's help.


  1. I am so happy for the both of you! I still can not believe all the fortune that has come to this family!

  2. Finally you see the true Mr. Darcy Elizabeth. It seems that everyone has the misfortune of misjudging my good friend as proud and haughty, where that is not his true nature. Elizabeth, you see now Mr. Darcy's true and kind nature, and the selflessness that he demonstrates regularly. He still cares for you Elizabeth, I know it!
