Saturday, March 10, 2012

Darcy and his odd behaviour

Everyday I enjoy a walk through the park and usually everything is very quiet and without disturbances, but I recently ran into Darcy on one of these walks. It was rather strange and unwelcoming since I am revolted by the site of him. I know we both dislike eachother but he persistently asks me questions that I have no interest in answering. Why does he keep appearing? I would like him to simply go away. I am going to have to choose a new route to peacefully stroll in if he continues to appear.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth! Did you get my letter? Pleas write back soon I want to hear all about the adventures you are having with your beloved friend, Mrs. Collins. I also want to hear all about the handsome fellow, Mr. Darcy. News has gotten a round that he fancies you! Is this true?
