Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lovely Jane

I am entirely grateful that Jane is available to listen to me and give me advice. It made me content knowing that Jane did not think ill of me for rejecting Darcy, or for being prejudice against him when I did not know him. My sister is kind and very understanding, and I do not know what I would do without her. I can say that she is the perfect sister. But, I am still extremely saddened to see that she is still heart broken over Bingley.


  1. Oh my dear dear Elizabeth. I am eternally to have a sister such as you to help me through this hard, overbearing time. I am always here to listen to you and I know you have your reason for everything you do.

  2. Oh Elizabeth, Jane is such a kind and gentile girl indeed. It is surely impossible that she could think ill of anyone, especially you. You should trust Jane with confidence that she will always stand by your side, and you are right to value her companionship. I undermined the value of Jane's loveliness, and made a great mistake in leaving her; you would be extraordinarily unjust to devalue her benevolence.
